White Dreams

British model and actress Lily Cole is one of those rare beauties that you can easily obsess about. By overemphasize her ethereal features (porcelain skin, red hair and doll-like features) photographer Sølve Sundsbø creates an alienesque, manga looking character, innocent and yet incredible sensual.

The surreal mood of this 2005 photoshoot is set off by milky white surroundings that look like a futuristic mix of Alice in Wonderland and One Thousand and One Nights.

Norwegian fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø is known for his cutting-edge work including beautifully crafted (digitally or manually edited) dreamscapes. His unique brand of artistic photography blurs the boundaries of fashion, portrait, landscape and computer-generated animation.


Fashion Photography

Elle Romania

The “Technicolor” fashion photoshoot was featured in may issue of Elle (Romanian Edition), gathering the most representatives looks for summer 2008,...read more


Fashion Photography

Elle Romania

Rock is not dead, so says this fashion photoshoot also featured in the may issue of Elle Romania. It can be your fashion inspiration for a urban rebel look....read more


Fashion Photography

Sasha Pivovarova

Sasha Pivovarova is once again a Vogue star. She appeared in the September issue of Vogue Paris in a fashion shoot named "Femmes d'envergure...read more


Fashion Photography

Jessica Stam

Enjoy a wonderful pictorial starring supermodel Jessica Stam featured in Vogue Italia (November 2008 issue). The Enchanted Garden photo...read more


Fashion Photography

Vogue France

The native shaman and his sacred rituals are the starting point of this "Automne Indien" photoshoot published in the September issue of...read more


Fashion Photography

Elle Romania

The military look is still in trend and gets updated by mixing it with lingerie pieces, states this photo shoot featured in the February 2008 issue of Elle...read more


Fashion Photography

Andrej Pejic

Andrej Pejic is the 19-year old male model that provoked the most recent censorship in the fashion world. His strong androgynous look pictured...read more


Fashion Photography

Ines Crnokrak

Who said high fashion is not for winter? Take a look at this fabulous photo story shot by Brazilian fashion photographer Jacques Dequeker and starring...read more


Fashion Photography

fashion photographer

Fashion Photographer: Benjamin Vnuk (He is a Swedish photographer living in Paris, France. He is working for Fashion and luxury brands)....read more


All things chic

Jane Fonda

Inspired by the romantic atmosphere of 1920’s cinema, the circus world, and by the whimsical universe of Edward Gorey, ...read more


Fashion Photography


Beauty editorial entitled "Orbit" featuring a new-comer in the modeling world, Magalie Daignault, from Quebec. The pictures are signed by Toronto based...read more


Fashion Photography


Whether it’s an on-film quaint picture or a mixed-media surrealist image, Erik Madigan Heck’s fashion photography has a unique and profound...read more