Fairy tales from Nicoletta Ceccoli

It's a true wonderland that Nicoletta Ceccoli depicts through her illustrations. Odd dollish princesses, grim little beasts or tiny magical pet friends they all have a part in Italian artist's acrylic on paper artworks.

Nicoletta Ceccoli illustrationNicoletta Ceccoli - The princess and the prey

Her fantastic art pieces are inspired mostly by Piero della Francesca paintings, from dark surrealism of illustrator Stasys Eidrigevicius and her own dreams and fantasies.

Nicoletta Ceccoli, born in San Marino, Italy, began her career illustrating children's books, and in 2001 she was awarded for her allegorical imagery with the Andersen prize as Best Italian Illustrator of the year. In 2006 she received the silver medal from Society of Illustrators, New York.

Nicoletta Ceccoli illustration

She is also influenced by Polish illustration, classic American comic artists and Russian animation. Nicoletta exhibited her beautiful whimsical ladies, interacting with flora and fauna that surround them, at the Bologna Children's Book fair seven times.

She has shown her work in in "Roq la Rue" (Seattle), "Magic Pony"(Toronto), "Dorothy Circus"(Rome), Richard Goodall Gallery (Manchester).

Today Nicoletta is also working as a character designer on a 3D animation project and planning to launch another illustration series with a mythological theme. I wonder how they would look like!

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