Enchanting characters of Jennifer Busking

Jennifer Busking is a talented, young fashion illustrator from Netherlands who studied fashion design and has keen interests in design, art, cinema, photography, music and everything magic as her brief description states.

Jennifer Busking - ColleenJennifer Busking - ColleenHer portfolio includes fashion illustration with a little ironic touch, collection ideas (denim chic) and lovely personal works which I find enchanting. Mysterious meditative characters share a strong connection with wildlife, impeccably drawn with thin pens and pencils finished by delicate watercolor strokes on paper.

Jennifer Busking - monkeys

Some of her drawings remind me of Nordic legends and H.C. Andersen’s fairy tales. Jennifer says she “just prefer drawing from imagination over drawing things exactly as they are”. For an update on her artwork check Jennifer’s flickr page where I discovered that she is working on a small fashion collection. Looking forward to see the result!

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All things chic

hat trends

Cassandra Rhodin is a Swedish fashion illustrator that loves to draw bold, chic, sensual women inspired by the iconic style of the roaring 20s...read more


All things chic

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Born in Hong Kong, raised in Vancouver, relocated to Berlin, Andrea Wan discovered her...read more


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ankle boots

Swedish illustrator Stina Persson, working in Stockholm, is a very busy freelance artist considering her established clients including ...read more


All things chic

ankle boots

Growing up on Vancouver Island and spending summer weeks in epic surroundings (when going camping with the family in the middle of the woods)...read more


All things chic

summer 2008 collections

No doubt a must have for summer; the floral print dress can be worn successfully in the up-coming fall season. Now you can wear it simple, showing your tanned...read more


All things chic

ankle boots

She never ties her shoelaces. It's just a thing never to be done in rock'n'roll. A brief description in total opposition with the endless world the artist...read more


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femme fatale

From politics to philosophy, or simple life-scenes, Daniel Mackie recreates reality with a good touch of sarcasm and also by mixing free-hand...read more


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Undoubtedly street style has become one of the biggest inspiration sources for the fashion world. Street fashion photo-blogs and online glossy magazines...read more


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It's hard to say that she's focusing on a certain area although sensual mystical women are her usual subjects. Martine Johanna's works are a...read more


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ankle boots

One might have a true spiritual revelation when looking at these fantastic works of art signed Bruno 9Li. The vibrant illustrations of this young Brazilian...read more


All things chic

summer 2008 collections

I was more than happy to find out that knee shorts are still in style. Browsing through fall 2007-winter 2008 fashion collections I’ve discovered new stylish...read more


All things chic

brass jewelry

Inspired by the 60s and the 70s fashions, boho style (bohemian) has returned and looks more chic than ever. Boho-chic style keeps main hippie...read more